
Alli & Xenical


What is a weight loss product?

A weight loss product helps to shed the extra pounds. With the help of this supplement, weight loss or refinement goes faster. The reason is simple: the components of the products act on the fat contained in the body (this is called a fat-burning product) or they decrease appetite (appetite suppressant). When they are absorbed, they swell within the stomach. By filling up space, the stomach then communicates the feeling of fullness more quickly to the brain. The person eats less. Lowering your caloric intake speeds up weight loss.

​This is meant to motivate people who have started a weight loss regimen, whether massive or not.

At the moment, weight loss tablets have never before been so prevalent on the market. These are dietary supplements that are available without medical prescriptions and composed of mostly natural ingredients. Effective, these ingredients will act on different levels on the body to allow each user to reduce their appetite, activate their metabolism, and burn fat contained in the body to lose weight.

How do Alli & Xenical make the difference?

"Unlike the many slimming products that abound on the Internet, Alli & Xenical are two drugs approved by the health authorities for their help in supporting weight loss. This means that they have been the subject of clinical studies proving their medical and scientific effectiveness before they can be marketed. Since its creation in 2009, it remains the only treatment with proven efficacy against obesity! "

Dr Jim Williams, Nutritionist in London

Alli vs.  Xenical



​Alli is a "light" version of the famous Xenical, the only true medicine to have gained recognition from the medical community for its effectiveness in treating obesity.

Available over the counter, this is a non-prescription alternative to the very powerful Xenical (see below). We recommend that you try a natural treatment and talk to your doctor before you try it.

  • Approved by the drug agency for its effectiveness in treating obesity
  • Available without a prescription, free shipping, and discreet
  • Powerful treatment (consult your doctor)


​Xenical is a "true" medicine. This means that it has been the subject of clinical studies proving its medical and scientific efficacy before it can be marketed.

Since its creation in 2009, it remains the only treatment with proven efficacy against obesity. Need we really say more?

  • Approved by the drug agency for its effectiveness in treating obesity
  • Online orders & free, discreet delivery in 24 hours available
  • VERY Powerful treatment (consult your doctor)

How to order Alli & Xenical online?

Getting the treatment you need is simple with our secure consultation service. Once our pharmacist has approved Alli, you’ll typically receive it within 2-3 business days.

Description and functioning of the active ingredient: Orlistat

Orlistat is a weight reduction pill. It is the licensed generic version of the popular branded product made by Roche Pharmaceuticals. The medicine usually forms part of a motivational weight loss programme, including diet and exercise. When taken alongside a meal, it works by altering the way the body processes consumed fats.

  1. Three-a-day tablet
  2. Taken with a meal
  3. Effective generic medicine

In the UK, it is estimated that obesity affects about a quarter of the adult population. The condition is one of the leading causes of heart disease, diabetes and certain types of cancer; but it can also have a detrimental effect on quality of life. And the longer someone is obese, the more at risk they are of developing a secondary illness.

Determining whether or not someone is overweight or obese is calculated using the body mass index (or BMI), which is a formula doctors use to diagnose the condition. To measure a person’s BMI, you first take their weight in kilograms, then divide this by their height in metres, then divide the resultant figure again by their height in metres. If the figure is between 20 and 25, then they are categorised as being at their ideal weight. Where the number falls amid 25 and 30, they are said to be overweight. 30 and above indicates obesity.

Seeking help is important for those are obese or overweight, and are struggling to lose weight on their own. There are a number of ways a doctor can help to get someone on the right path to a healthy weight. Often, a support programme including a specific diet and exercise regime will be recommended, and in some cases, this may be accompanied by a weight loss tablet such as Orlistat.

How does Orlistat work?

The way the medicine works is fairly straightforward. In the stomach and the small intestines, certain enzymes called lipases extract fat from the food we eat, and help the body to store it as energy. Orlistat inhibits this process. By preventing these enzymes from carrying out their task, the medication stops fats from being soaked up by the body, and causes them to be expelled through faeces.

Orlistat 60mg (Alli)

There is a reduced dose version of orlistat available (containing 60mg of the active ingredient as opposed to 120mg). This is called Alli, and is made by GSK. It is a pharmacy medicine, and can be issued without a prescription due to its lower dose. Head to our product page to read more about Alli.

Can I buy Orlistat online?

Yes, but when you buy generic medicine online, it is important to be aware of which products are licensed for reproduction and which are not, and to make sure you are buying from a pharmacy which is registered. Some sites pills which promise to make you lose wieght fast, but Orlistat is a licensed treatment which provides a steady and, more importantly, safe approach.

Getting access to effective weight loss medication doesn’t have to be a hassle. Our secure service has been developed with simplicity and speed in mind. Complete a confidential medical questionnaire, and one of our doctors will assess your case. If approved, we’ll send your medicine to you directly by next-day courier.

Is it possible to buy Orlistat without a prescription?

No. Orlistat (the generic, containing a 120mg dose) is a prescription-only medicine in the UK. However, as explained above, Alli (which contains a reduced 60mg dose of Orlistat) is available over the counter. 

Our discreet and secure consultation facility enables you to have your case checked by a GMC-registered doctor. If they deem the medication suitable for use in your case, they will provide a prescription which will be sent electronically to our UK-based pharmacy.


Take Orlistat as prescribed by your doctor. Ensure you read the instructions fully prior to use, as these will help you to maximise the efficiency of the medicine and reduce the risk of possible side effects.

  1. Follow the directions issued by your prescriber.
  2. A typical dose is one tablet, taken with a meal, up to three times per day. 
  3. Swallow capsules whole with water.
  4. This treatment can be used right before a meal, during a meal or up to one hour afterwards.
  5. Try to avoid eating fatty snacks in between meals.
  6. Orlistat only works when taken alongside a meal. If you skip a meal you do not need to take it.
  7. Never exceed the prescribed amount.
  8. If you miss a dose, do not make up for it by doubling up on your next one. Simply continue to take the course as normal.

These instructions are provided only a guide. You should read the directions provided in the patient information leaflet before taking this medication.

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Qui sommes nous ?

Fatigués par la désinformation qui pullulent sur la Toile concernant la minceur, nous avons décidé avec mes confrères de créer un comité indépendant afin de faire la lumière sur les VRAIS conseils qui fonctionnent, et les rares produits véritablement efficaces pour vous accompagner dans une perte de poids durable.


Ce site a pour vocation de vous procurer toutes les informations dont vous avez besoin pour choisir judicieusement vos traitements en toute sécurité sur Internet.

Notre équipe pluridisciplinaire décortiquent les traitements contre l'obésité et les conseils minceur, afin de vous éclairer dans vos choix.

Ce site n’a pas de vocation commerciale. L’achat des traitements suggérés sur ce site vous renverras soit vers le site officiel du vendeur, soit vers une pharmacie agrée, rigoureusement sélectionnées pour son sérieux, sa qualité et la disponibilité de son service client.